Kalpteki duruşlar


Dokor bey/ hanım,

Eşim doktora bilinç kaybı ve bayılma nedeniyle hastaneye gitti. 3 gün boyunca holter takılarak teste tabi tutuldu ve sonucunda aşağıda yazacağım metni verdiler. Biz çelişkiye düştük acaba konu hakkında bizi bilgilendirmeniz mümkün müdür?

conclusions: the avarage heart rate was 88.the min was 40 at 07:08.the max heart rate was 140 at 08.22.pauses greater than 3 seconds were 5.ventricular ectopy was 8904, with 702 v-runs, and 1372 v-pairs, ventricular bigeminy events were 38 and ventricular trigeminy events were 7.suptraventricular ectopy was 249, with 4 sv-runs, suptraventricular bigeminy events were 1, and suptraventricular trigemi ny evets were 0.ST episode minutes totaled 146.the max absolute ST change was -3.7, and occured at 17.07.max pause 12.8 sec at 11.33
şimdiden teşekkürler)

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